Activity Spot

Here is a couple of activities that took place in our AP English Class: 1. The first is an example of meters in a poem that we did in class:(small note*: unstressed syllables are miniscule and stressed syllables are big)

SWEET DAY so COOL, so CALM, so BRIGHT (Spondaic, Iambic)
the BRI- dal OF the EARTH and SKY;                 (Iambic)
the DEW shall WEEP the FALL to NIGHT,         (Iambic)
for THOU must DIE.                                              (Iambic)

2. We made some puppets in class which was very fun! This is the puppet I made. It's a ghost. I just put up the picture and I hope I put before you checked it Ms.Cordero hahahaha! This was a great project!

 3.In class we read the story "The Tell Tale Heart" by Edgar Allan Poe it was great!

4. We read the poem "Annabel Lee" also by Edgar Allan Poe. The guy's a genius!

5. We also read one of the best stories that I have ever read: "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.

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